Bison Meatballs in Pomodoro
Bison Meatballs in Pomodoro
As usual, I was never a huge fan of meatballs… until I made my own. This makes about 4 meals worth. I also use my own homemade noodles (much easier than you think) and my wife’s homemade bread. To increase the serving size, double or triple the recipe.
1 Lb Ground Bison at room temp
2 or 3 White Bread Slices left out all day to get stale (or some Panko or what have you)
1/3 White Onion minced
1 Egg lightly scrambled
2 Cloves Garlic minced
1/8 Cup Parsley chopped
1/4 Cup Parmesan shredded
Dash Whole Milk
1 Tbs Crème Fraîche
1/6 Cup Olive Oil
1 Tbs Butter
Dash Salt
Dash Italian Seasonings
Dash Oregano
3 Roma Tomatoes chopped with juices saved
1/3 Onion chopped
2 Cloves Garlic minced
15 oz Can Tomato Sauce
1 Tbs Olive Oil
1 Tbs Butter
3 Fresh Basil Leaves twisted and cut into strips
1/3 Tsp Sugar
Dash Red Pepper Flakes
Dash Italian Seasoning
Dash Herbes de Provence
In a skillet or pan cook the Onions for the Meatballs in the 1 Tbs of Butter. Add the minced Garlic and cook for one more minute. Don’t let these burn. When they’re done, pour them into a big bowl and empty every single other thing for the meatballs into said bowl. With the bread, I crumble them by hand into the tiniest of pieces. This is very easy to do with homemade bread.
Gently stir everything together to make one giant ball of meat which you will tear chunks off of and make little meatballs with. Make ‘em whatever size you want but there is a good middle ground for them. Place the balls on a baking sheet with some parchment paper beneath them.
When the balls have been balled up place the sheet in the fridge or freezer just to get them to keep their shape.
While the balls are put away, it’s time to begin making the sauce. Similar to the meatballs, place everything EXCEPT the Onions, Garlic, Butter, and Basil into a big bowl.
In a dutch oven throw in the Butter and cook the minced Onions for a few minutes before adding the Garlic.
When they’re almost done but not yet done cooking, drop in the big Pomodoro bowl of ingredients and let that simmer down while covered for some time stirring occasionally. 15 minutes?
Now take those balls out of the cold place, turn on the other skillet or pan again and drop some more Butter or Olive Oil.
Carefully, working in batches, cook the Meatballs for a few minutes. Make sure you roll them around to cook all the ball’s surfaces. You don’t want to burn them, this is Bison after all. When you feel like they’re good and cooked place them on a plate and work the next batch until they’re all done.
When the balls have been toasted take off the Pomodoro lid and set it aside. Now place all the balls and ball juices (poor choice of words) into the Pomodoro dutch oven and cook for another 15 or 20 minutes on low or medium low while stirring occasionally. Put that lid back on.
After a few minutes into the 15 or 20, throw in the Basil and stir again.
Boil your noodles at this point. Shred some more cheese. Get your Pepper Flakes and Oregano garnishes in order.
When the sauce is done and the balls are cooked through, place them on top of a steaming plate of noodles, garnish with whatever you fancy, and bon appetite!