The Civil War in the Southwest: The Rebel’s Crumbling Empire, The End of the War in Arizona Territory, & Confederate Jasmine

This episode covers the end of the Civil War in the Southwest as the Rebels Retreat completely out of New Mexico. It covers the low morale of the Confederate Troops, Sibley’s woes, the final battle in the Territory at Paraje, eighteen-year-old Felix Robert Collard’s odyssey through the Jornada del Muerte, the troubles with the locals, and more. I then finish the series with a brief background of myself before I read the short story Confederate Jasmine from V.N. Ebert’s Georgia Buddha in its entirety.

The cover includes the ruins of Fort Craig with the San Mateo Mountains in the background.

Georgia Buddha by V.N. Ebert

Selected Sources:
Blood and Treasure: Confederate Empire in the Southwest by Donald Frazier
Jefferson Davis, Napoleon France, and the Nature of Confederate Ideology by Jeffrey Zvengrowski
The Confederacy as a Revolutionary Experience by Emory M Thomas
Texan Santa Fe Expedition By H. Bailey Carroll
The Skirmish at Mesilla, Arizona and the West, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Winter, 1959), by Martin Hardwick Hall
The Three Cornered War by Megan Kate Nelson
The Civil War in New Mexico by Father Stanley
The First Filibusters, Americans in the Yucatan by Hans Von Stockhausen
The United States Army Camel Corps 1856-66 By John Shapard
The Apache Wars by Paul Andrew Hutton
Rebels on the Rio Grande, The Civil War Journal of AB Peticoles by Don E Alberts
Mangas Coloradas by Edwin R Sweeney
The Civil War in the Western Territories by Ray C Colton
The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government by Jefferson Davis
The Battle of Glorieta Pass by Thomas S Edrington and John Taylor
The War of 1812: Stoking the Fires. Summer 2012, Vol. 44, No. 2 Impressment of Seaman Charles Davis by the U.S. Navy By John P. Deeben
Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition by George Wilkins Kendall
Building a State in Apache Land by Charles D. Poston
Mule Bombs at Valverde By Dr. Conrad Crane, U. S. Army Military History Institute, February 9, 2009
Darryl Cooper’s Martyrmade: The Peculiar Institution, Part 14
The Age of Jackson Podcast: 091 Jefferson Davis and the Pro-Bonaparte Democrats with Jeffrey Zvengrowski


Spooky Southwest With Special Guest The Paranormalist


The Civil War in the Southwest: Carleton’s California Column, the Battle at Picacho Peak, & The Rebels Retreat from Tucson