The Ancient Ones: Mammoth Eaters in the Playground of Giants

This episode of the American Southwest Podcast is the 1st in a series about the original Native American inhabitants of the region and specifically about the climate, landscape, and mammals of Pleistocene North America including the oversized toothy, clawed, and woolly beasts and the first explorers to inhabit the cold and harsh land: the Preclovis and Clovis. It encompasses the Ice Age causes, mammoths, mastodons, sabertooths, giant ground sloths, the bone breaking marrow sucking culture, Clovis Points, how long humans have been here, the Near Time Extinction, and so much more.

Stab & Slice Sticker Coming Soon

Atlas of a Lost World: Travels in Ice Age America by Craig Childs

The Rise & Reign of the Mammals by Steve Brusatte

Ice Age Mammals of North America: A Guide to the Big, the Hairy, and the Bizarre; Second Edition by Ian M Lange

Rancho La Brea: A Record of Pleistocene Life in California by Chester Stock

First Peoples in a New World: Colonizing Ice Age America by David J. Meltzer

The Trees that Miss the Mammoths By Whit Bronaugh

The Snowmastodon Project: Mammoths and mastodons lived the high life in Colorado by Mary Caperton Morton

University of Michigan: Underwater storage techniques used by early North American hunters preserve meat for at least six months; May 3, 1995

Ancient human-sloth hunt hinted at in 15,000-year-old footprints by Sid Perkins for Science Magazine

Denver Museum of Nature & Science

Los Angeles Museum of Natural History

La Brea Tar Pits & Museum

Western Science Center of Hemet, California


The Ancient Ones: The Bone Smashers


Buffalo Soldiers: Cavalryman’s Paradise