The National Park Service: America’s Greatest Gift to Mankind & Thoughts on How We Can Fix It

The National Park Service is the greatest gift to mankind that the American Experiment has thus far created. Forget everything else you think of when you think of the United States. But the NPS is in trouble and I can only see it getting worse. Unless something is done, and soon, the parks won’t be as enjoyable to visit as they are now.

In this episode I give the history of the parks before diagnosing and then complaining about a lot of the problems I see and have experienced. I then talk about some of the fixes that could help reverse our public land’s degradation. And then I spiral into my broader view of land in general and how we as Americans should be better stewards. I get a little religious, I get a little anti-”Green”, and I get a little passionate.

This episode is a bit different than anything I've done before.My viewership is growing, thankfully, but this one could potentially turn some people off. But I would like YOUR feedback. I’m not proposing my fixes are the only way but by discussing them, hopefully I can ignite some conversation and thinking. This episode may… be controversial but I think it’s important. Hopefully I won’t be put on any list anywhere or barred access to anymore public lands.

I released this to my subscribers first and they gave me a good amount of great feedback. Not everyone agreed and not everyone said I should release this to the general public but ultimately, my wife said I should. And I “always” do what my wife suggests.

Lastly, you’ll notice Muir is suspiciously absent form the episode but that is because he’s getting his own episode in the near future.

Here is an article a subscriber sent me on this for some more thoughts.

A link to George Catlin’s beautiful works:

Check out what fans and critics are saying about the episode below!


The Civil War in the Southwest: English Slavery, Napoleon Bonaparte, & Jeffersonian Democrats


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