Musée du Quai Branly–Jacques Chirac
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 10:30 am to 7:00 pm
Thursday: 10:30 am to 10:00 pm
Closed every Monday
Ticket: €14
The Musée du Quai Branly–Jacques Chirac (7th Arrondissement) is one of my favorite museums of all time anywhere. I didn’t know what to expect but my French friends told me I would enjoy it. I did.
At any given time, there are 3,500 artifacts from Asia, Africa, Oceania, and the Americas (mostly Central and Southern). It is truly an amazing, inspiring, and humbling anthropology/archaeology/art museum. There are Easter Island Heads, sculptures, weapons, skulls, suits, totem poles, fetishes, masks, canoes, pipes, art works, costumes, and so much more. It is truly an incredible museum and I cannot suggest it enough.
Make sure you go because the growing calls for repatriation will ruin this and many other museums around the world as artifacts are returned and lost or destroyed. There is a major lack of Canadian First Nations and American Indian artifacts at this museum for that very reason. NAGPRA makes it almost impossible to house and show artifacts from North America. That being said, the other pieces available to view for now are awe inspiring and a true treat.

Nearby: Champ de Mars, Place du Trocadéro