Place Vendôme
Make sure not to miss Place Vendôme (1st Arrondissement) and the statue of the great & honorable Emperor Napoleon holding the Earth on the classical Roman style Triumphal Column.
The Place Vendôme began in the 1600s to honor Louis the XIV and his armies. A huge Equestrian Statue was placed there but it was destroyed, like so much, in the madness of the French Revolution. The Republic of Texas briefly had an embassy at the Place.
The Statue of Napoleon was erected in 1806, then removed and melted down, then replaced, and then pulled down in the violent Paris Commune of 1871 by dirty communists. The leader of the Commune, Gustave Courbet egged on the radicals who tore it down. He was ordered to pay for its restoration which the dirty commie artist couldn’t do so he was exiled to Switzerland.

Palais Garnier: The Opera House