Negro Hill
1.5 Mile Roundtrip Out And Back
Steep, Trailless Hike Up A Mountain That Offers 360° Views At The Top
The Negro Hill Hike is a challenging & steep ~1.5 mile roundtrip hike without a trail up a seemingly nondescript hill that offers 360° views at the top as well as views of the Joshua Trees below, Mt San Jacinto, San Gorgonio, Queen Valley, Quail Mountain, The Wonderland of Rocks, distant purple majestic mountain ranges & more. It is a perfect sunrise or sunset hike.
The way to reach the trailhead is to head down the dirt Desert Queen Road and park at the trailhead for the Pine City Hike. The hill (Spanish for black), is directly to your west, it’s the one to the left of the trail. Pick a route and head on up.
Make sure you’ve got good thick hiking boots on and watch out for the many cacti that grow out in the desert, especially since there’s no real trail. Towards the top it can get steep but it’s alright if you just take your time. Make sure to also bring a headlamp or flashlight in case you watch the sunset on the mountain, which my wife and I did and it was amazing.
And don’t forget to bring PLENTY OF WATER! Also, watch out for tarantulas and snakes and other desert critters. Just use common sense and try not to destroy the landscape as you explore it.