The Road to Needles

I absolutely love the road to Needles (Highway 211) from Highway 191, especially after you descend into the big basin. There are tons of hikes and tons of camping spots that line the highway until you reach the last non National Park spot that is The Needles Outpost. Since I haven’t yet done any of those hikes or camping spots I am not going to talk about them, but one day I will hit them up and see their wonders.

The first stop once you’ve descended pops up immediately and that is Newspaper Rock. It is an exceptional piece of archaeological history and it must be checked out. There are over 650 designs on the 200 square foot rock that include ancient figures, animals, and six toed feet. My beloved bison are also on there, as well as horse figures. At the top is the oldest figure still visible which was probably carved around 2,000 years ago.

The rest of the highway takes you through horse pastures that flower in the spring, past towering red cliffs, and famous buttes like Six Shooter Peak. It’s a beautiful drive to a beautiful spot.


Tower Ruin & Paul Bunyan's Potty


The Needles Outpost