Cedar Mesa
Cedar Mesa is a treasure trove of adventures. It’s got everything from hiking and driving to exploring ruins (there are supposedly 100,000 sites in the area) and some of the best viewpoints around. It contains my favorite Ancestral Puebloan Ruin I’ve ever been to and one of my favorite viewpoints. The roads in it are also legendary in the southwest from the Bicentennial Highway to the Moki Dugway. Natural Bridges National Monument, the Bears Ears, and Comb Ridge are also on the mesa making it jam packed with places to see. You’ll find fun and adventure on this spooky mesa no matter where you go.
A good place to start your research for this trip is with books and internet searches. Then make sure you visit the Kane Gulch Ranger Station on 261 for the specifics. If you’re looking for juicy info on ruins or hikes in the canyons of Cedar Mesa, sadly this is not the place. I’ll post some inspiration but I’m going to attempt to keep the west wild. If you’re looking for literature you’d do no better than to buy a Michael Kelsey guidebook or In Search of the Old Ones & The Lost World of the Old Ones both by the late great David Roberts.