ABQ BioPark Zoo
Adults (Res/Non-res): $10/ $14.50
At the ABQ BioPark Zoo you will find tons of wonder, amazement, and animals. There are exotic animals, American predators, large Mammals like Elephants & Big Cats, Gorillas, Orangoutangs, Chimps, birds, reptiles, Penguins, amphibians, and a ton more. They’ve got animals from every continent! My highlight was seeing the Polar Bear in his big ole habitat. Sure, it’s kinda sad he ain’t roaming the glaciers and frozen tundras of the north but he seemed happy and healthy. The big cats from all over the world were also exciting to see, although they were all napping in the midday sun.
Polar Bear
Asian Elephants
Golden Eagle
Mexican Wolf
Komodo Dragon

Matamata Turtle
Bison Statues
Kelsea with a Lion